Western Area Power Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Monutain Region. Background photo banner shows mountain peaks in distance.
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2025 Power Marketing Initiative

The Loveland Area Projects (LAP) Firm Electric Service (FES) contracts expire September 30, 2024.  Western Area Power Administration’s (Western) Rocky Mountain Region (RMR) is responsible for developing and administering the LAP FES contracts and is in the process of developing a plan for marketing and allocating LAP hydroelectric power after the FES contracts expire.  We call this plan our 2025 Power Marketing Initiative (2025 PMI), which will be effective October 1, 2024 (Federal fiscal year 2025).

A Federal Register notice (FRN) for Loveland Area Projects - 2025 Power Marketing Initiative (PMI) Proposal was published October 17, 2011. Written comments on the proposed 2025 PMI are due to Western's RMR by 4 p.m. M.S.T. on Monday, January 30, 2012. Western reserves the right to not consider any comments received after the deadline.

Submit written comments regarding the proposed 2025 PMI to Mr. Bradley S. Warren, Regional Manager, Rocky Mountain Region, Western Area Power Administration, 5555 East Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, CO 80538-8986. Comments may also be faxed to (970)461-7204, or e-mailed to 2025PMI@wapa.gov. For further detail, please refer to the full FRN, available below under "Additional Information".

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. John Gierard at (970) 461-7445, e-mail gierard@wapa.gov; Ms. Melanie Reed at (970) 461-7229, e-mail mreed@wapa.gov; or Mr. David Neumayer at (970) 461-7322, e-mail neumayer@wapa.gov .

Additional Information:

Federal Register Notice - Loveland Area Projects - 2025 Power Marketing Initiative Proposal
2025 Power Marketing Initiative Proposal - PowerPoint Presentation
2025 Power Marketing Initiative Proposal - Public Comment Forum Transcript 11/29/11
2025 Power Marketing Initiative Proposal - Public Comment Forum Transcript 11/30/11
Post-1989 General Power Marketing and Allocation Criteria
Energy Planning and Management Program (60 FR 54151)